13th January 2020 : Group Leader Position @ Turing Centre for Living Systems – 2020

Dear colleague,
Could you please bring to the attention of outstanding colleagues the
attached announcement for group leaders to be recruited at the Turing
Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI) in 2020?
We seek to recruit computer scientists, physicists, and/or
mathematicians with a theoretical and/or computational biology research
CENTURI is an interdisciplinary and collaborative environment located
mainly on the Luminy campus of Aix-Marseille University.
Thank you very much and best wishes for the New Year,

Thomas Lecuit

Professor, Collège de France
Chair: Dynamics of living systems

Director, Turing Centre for Living Systems (CenTuri)

Group leader: Tissue architecture and plasticity
IBDM, CNRS & Aix-Marseille Univ.
Campus de Luminy, case 907
13009 Marseille, France

See Attachement : CENTURI PI call 2020.pdf

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