Windings of the 2D free Rouse chain

Olivier Benichou 1, 2, Jean Desbois 2 Journal of Physics A 33 (2000) 6655-6665 We study long time dynamical properties of a chain of harmonically bound Brownian particles. This chain is allowed to wander everywhere in the plane. We show that the scaling variables for the occupation times T_j, areas A_j and winding angles \theta_j (j=1,…,n labels the particles) take […]

Windings of the 2D free Rouse chain Lire la suite »

Topological Defects in Spin Density Waves

N. Kirova 1, S. Brazovskii 1 Journal de Physique IV Colloque 10 (2000) 3-189 The rich order parameter of Spin Density Waves allows for unusual object of a complex topological nature: a half-integer dislocation combined with a semi-vortex of a staggered magnetization. It becomes energetically preferable to ordinary dislocation due to enhanced Coulomb interactions in the semiconducting regime. Generation

Topological Defects in Spin Density Waves Lire la suite »

Spin and link overlaps in 3-dimensional spin glasses

F. Krzakala 1, O. C. Martin 1 Physical Review Letters 85 (2000) 3013-3016 Excitations of three-dimensional spin glasses are computed numerically. We find that one can flip a finite fraction of an LxLxL lattice with an O(1) energy cost, confirming the mean field picture of a non-trivial spin overlap distribution P(q). These low energy excitations are not domain-wall-like, rather

Spin and link overlaps in 3-dimensional spin glasses Lire la suite »

Spectral statistics of chaotic systems with a point-like scatterer

Eugene Bogomolny 1, Patricio Leboeuf 1, Charles Schmit 1 Physical Review Letters 85 (2000) 2486-2489 The statistical properties of a Hamiltonian $H_0$ perturbed by a localized scatterer are considered. We prove that when $H_0$ describes a bounded chaotic motion, the universal part of the spectral statistics are not changed by the perturbation. This is done first within the random matrix model.

Spectral statistics of chaotic systems with a point-like scatterer Lire la suite »

Spectral determinant on quantum graphs

Eric Akkermans 1, 2, 3, Alain Comtet 3, Jean Desbois 3, Gilles Montambaux 2, Christophe Texier 3, 4 Annals of Physics 284 (2000) 10-51 We study the spectral determinant of the Laplacian on finite graphs characterized by their number of vertices V and of bonds B. We present a path integral derivation which leads to two equivalent expressions of the spectral determinant of the Laplacian either in terms

Spectral determinant on quantum graphs Lire la suite »

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