Spatial and topological organization of DNA chains induced by gene co-localization – Archive ouverte HAL

Ivan Junier 1, 2 Olivier Martin 3, 4 François Képès 5 Ivan Junier, Olivier Martin, François Képès. Spatial and topological organization of DNA chains induced by gene co-localization. PLoS Computational Biology, Public Library of Science, 2010, 6 (2), pp.1000678. ⟨10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000678⟩. ⟨hal-00484355⟩ Transcriptional activity has been shown to relate to the organization of chromosomes in the […]

Spatial and topological organization of DNA chains induced by gene co-localization – Archive ouverte HAL Lire la suite »

Archive ouverte HAL – Spatial and topological organization of DNA chains induced by gene co-localization

Ivan Junier 1, 2 Olivier Martin 3, 4 François Képès 5 Ivan Junier, Olivier Martin, François Képès. Spatial and topological organization of DNA chains induced by gene co-localization. PLoS Computational Biology, Public Library of Science, 2010, 6 (2), pp.1000678. ⟨10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000678⟩. ⟨hal-00484355⟩ Transcriptional activity has been shown to relate to the organization of chromosomes in the

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Vortex structures of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in anisotropic harmonic potential

S. I. Matveenko 1, 2 Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 82 (2010) 033628 We found an analytical solution for the vortex structure in a rapidly rotating trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in the lowest Landau level approximation. This solution is exact in the limit of a large number of vortices and is obtained for the case of

Vortex structures of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in anisotropic harmonic potential Lire la suite »

Universal First-passage Properties of Discrete-time Random Walks and Levy Flights on a Line: Statistics of the Global Maximum and Records

Satya N. Majumdar 1 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389, 20 (2010) 4299-4316 In these lecture notes I will discuss the universal first-passage properties of a simple correlated discrete-time sequence {x_0=0, x_1,x_2…. x_n} up to n steps where x_i represents the position at step i of a random walker hopping on a continuous line by

Universal First-passage Properties of Discrete-time Random Walks and Levy Flights on a Line: Statistics of the Global Maximum and Records Lire la suite »

Time to reach the maximum for a random acceleration process

Satya N. Majumdar 1, Alberto Rosso 1, Andrea Zoia 2 Journal of Physics A General Physics 43 (2010) 115001 We study the random acceleration model, which is perhaps one of the simplest, yet nontrivial, non-Markov stochastic processes, and is key to many applications. For this non-Markov process, we present exact analytical results for the probability density $p(t_m|T)$ of the time $t_m$

Time to reach the maximum for a random acceleration process Lire la suite »

Three-body problem in heteronuclear mixtures with resonant interspecies interaction

K. Helfrich 1, H. -W. Hammer 2, D. S. Petrov 3, 4 Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 81 (2010) 042715 We use the zero-range approximation to study a system of two identical bosons interacting resonantly with a third particle. The method is derived from effective field theory. It reduces the three-body problem to an integral equation which we then

Three-body problem in heteronuclear mixtures with resonant interspecies interaction Lire la suite »

Thermodynamics of the Lévy spin glass

K. Janzen 1, A. Engel 2, M. Mézard 3 Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (2010) 021127 We investigate the Lévy glass, a mean-field spin glass model with power-law distributed couplings characterized by a divergent second moment. By combining extensively many small couplings with a spare random backbone of strong bonds the model is intermediate between the

Thermodynamics of the Lévy spin glass Lire la suite »

The universal high temperature regime of pinned elastic objects

Sebastian Bustingorry 1, Pierre Le Doussal 2, Alberto Rosso 3 Physical Review B 82 (2010) 140201 (R) We study the high temperature regime within the glass phase of an elastic object with short ranged disorder. In that regime we argue that the scaling functions of any observable are described by a continuum model with a $\delta$-correlated disorder and that they are

The universal high temperature regime of pinned elastic objects Lire la suite »

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