30th October 2018 : Postdoc – computational polymer rheology – Göttingen, Germany

Dear Colleagues,

We invite applications for a postdoctoral fellowship (salary group 13
TV-L) in the area of computer simulation of polymer materials and soft
matter at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Georg-August
University, Göttingen, Germany. The initial appointment will be for one
year and an extension is possible.

The project aims at studying the rheology of dense polymer melts and
composites via computer simulations of highly coarse-grained models and
comparing the results to experiments and/or more detailed models.
Candidates are expected to hold a PhD degree in Physics, Chemistry, or
Engineering, have proven experience with molecular dynamics simulations
of coarse-grained polymer models, and have very good communication
skills in English; experience in high-performance computing (using e.g.,
HOOMD) is desirable.

The Georg-August University is an equal opportunity employer and
supports gender equality. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae,
list of publications, and contact information (preferably in the form of
email addresses) for two references. Applications will be accepted until
the position is filled.

Kind regards

Marcus Müller

Prof. Dr. Marcus Müller
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Georg-August University
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1
37077 Göttingen, Germany
+49 551 3913888

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