8th March 2019 : 2-year PostDoc University of Reading – Mathematics of Planet Earth

2-year PostDoc position at the University of Reading – Mathematics of Planet Earth – Deadline for Applications: April 15th 2019

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Reading hosts a very active
international and interdisciplinary research group working on Mathematics of Planet Earth.
We seek excellent candidates for a PDRA position with experience and interest in one or more of
the following research lines: – Analysis of extreme events in data of geophysical relevance using
extreme value theory/large deviation theory. – Study of the instabilities of (geophysical) fluid dynamical
flows using the formalism of covariant Lyapunov vectors/Unstable Periodic Orbits. – Analysis of the
response of climate models of intermediate or higher complexity to forcings using response theory
– Coarse-graining and parametrizations in non-equilibrium systems/fluid flows
 Link: https://jobs.reading.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=4648 [jobs.reading.ac.uk]

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