Shortest node-disjoint paths on random graphs

Caterina De Bacco 1 Silvio Franz 1 David Saad 2 Chi Ho Yeung 2, 3, 4

Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 2014, pp.P07009

A localized method to distribute paths on random graphs is devised, aimed at finding the shortest paths between given source/destination pairs while avoiding path overlaps at nodes. We propose a method based on message-passing techniques to process global information and distribute paths optimally. Statistical properties such as scaling with system size and number of paths, average path-length and the transition to the frustrated regime are analysed. The performance of the suggested algorithm is evaluated through a comparison against a greedy algorithm.

  • 1. LPTMS – Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques
  • 2. Aston University
  • 3. Department of Physics
  • 4. Department of Science and Environmental Studies
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