Abstract submission

Scientific Program starts Tuesday, August 9 in the morning and ends Friday, August 19 in the afternoon.

The program will be composed with pedagogical lectures, reviews, invited, short invited, and poster presentations – based upon evaluations of presented abstracts by the committee.

In view of a synergetic character of the meeting, we encourage the speakers to plan a good introduction. If consistency requires, the novelty definition may be extended back by several years, even if results have been already presented in more narrowly focused meetings. We recommend to support the oral presentations by posters.

Abstracts are to be uploaded (see below), using this template.

The file should be in docx or rtf format and named as

presenting_author_name.docx , or presenting_author_name.rtf

Abstracts should not exceed 1 page, figures are allowed.
The abstracts must be uploaded on-line (see below), simultaneously completing the form which includes the sorting category and the contact information for the presenting author.

Deadline for abstract submissions: May 10, 2022.

An earlier submission will be very helpful for the organization.

The acceptance information will be distributed by May 15.

  • We will continue to consider abstracts for poster presentations until July 1, 2020.

Questions about abstracts:

Natasha Kirova kirova@lps.u-psud.fr


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