Séminaire du LPTMS : Scott Robertson (LCF)


11:00 - 12:00

Type d’évènement

Carte non disponible

Analogue preheating in a 1D condensate

Scott Robertson (Laboratoire Charles Fabry)

Hybrid seminar: onsite + zoom.

Zoom link: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/91374371715?pwd=U3N3VjE2UTlFbmlseVBId0pTNEVEZz09
Meeting ID: 913 7437 1715
Passcode: K8BYvu

The Analogue Gravity program has had considerable success recently, with ultracold gases playing a particularly prominent role as a system in which quantum aspects of field theory in curved spacetime can be explored. In this talk, I will present the analogy between a modulated 1D condensate and the preheating stage of cosmology, whereby a large number of quasiparticle pairs are excited out of vacuum.

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