ICFP NumPhys Paris

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Numerical Physics 2018

This is the official web page of the course, which is part of Master ICFP (International Center for fundamental physics) NumPhysParis is a general course in Computational Physics, with applications in statistical physics, atomic and condensed-matter physics.

Prerequisites : statistical physics, quantum mechanics Modalités de contrôle des connaissances : contrôle continu, examen écrit...... Volume horaire = répartition précise entre cours et TD - Ces informations sont importantes car seront reliées directement à un logiciel RH. Descriptif de cours :


Responsible of the courses



ENS, 24 rue Lhomond, room L367 ENS wifi password: knottlipt357


Lectures on Fridays 13h45 - 15h45 Tutorials on Fridays 15h45 - 17h45

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS0bnp7cPVTnbxd77_y-QRiuMzLGKq7DOIKsI-LpoXZvOk43ykDL_glD6RlPd9ubz-9RL12Xh_a9igE/pubhtml?gid=245193379&single=true&widget=true&headers=false"></iframe>


Oral exams will take place in December 2017 (see schedule).

Grades: 50% 3 homeworks + 1 MCQ (Nov. 17th), 50% oral exam.


The working language for this course is English. Programming Language The programming language that we use is Python 3. You need first of all to have Python installed with at least modules NumPy, SciPy and matplotlib.

Thesis advertisement

Thinking about your projects for the next year? To be PhD student in Paris area it is really a great choice... ...but it is not the only one!

Here we recommend you some excellent alternative options coming from good friends looking for motivated candidates:

Remarks, Questions

We encourage question and comments about all the material. Please post questions and comments on the blogs of this wiki. All students of the course are required to subscribe for the wiki. Questions and answers will be public. We will not answer questions by e-mail.

Post your general questions on this course in the blog at the end of the page.

  • W. Krauth Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (2006), see SMAC
  • Other references are specified in each lectures