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* Consider a constant and uniform flow, parallel to the real axis and with velocity $V_0$. Show that the complex potential writes <math>g_0(z)=V_0 z</math>.
* Consider a constant and uniform flow, parallel to the real axis and with velocity $V_0$. Show that the complex potential writes <math>g_0(z)=V_0 z</math>.
* Consider a fluid in presence of an obstacle. The obstacle is a circle with <math>R=1</math>. Far from the circle the velocity is <math>V_0</math>. Use the Joukovski's transformation to show that  the complex potential writes
* Consider a fluid in presence of an obstacle. The obstacle is a circle with <math>R=1</math>. Far from the circle the velocity is <math>V_0</math>. Use the Joukovski's transformation to show that  the complex potential writes
<center><math>g(z)=V_0(z+\frac{1}{z}) \;.</math></center>
* Compute the velocity along the real and the imaginary axis. Draw the streamlines (<math>\psi(z)=\text{const.}</math>) of the flow.
* Compute the velocity along the real and the imaginary axis. Draw the streamlines (<math>\psi(z)=\text{const.}</math>) of the flow.
* Explain (without calculation) how you can use the Joukovski's transformation to study the flow if the circle is replaced by the airfoil.
* Explain (without calculation) how you can use the Joukovski's transformation to study the flow if the circle is replaced by the airfoil.

Revision as of 15:30, 16 October 2011

Analytical functions: conformal map and applications to hydrodynamics

This homework deals with the application of conformal maps to the study of two-dimensional hydrodynamics. A conformal map is a geometrical transformation which preserves all (oriented) crossing angles between lines. In dimension a conformal map is necessarily composed from the following limited number of transformations: translations, rotations, homothetic transformation and special conformal transformation (which is the composition of a reflection and an inversion in a sphere). However in two dimensions, , the space of conformal mappings is much larger and one can show that, given an open set , any holomorphic function such that , defines a conformal map from to . The aim of this homework is to exploit this property to study some hydrodynamic flows in two spatial dimensions.

Joukovski's transformation

The Joukovski's transformation is defined by the following application

  • Compute and deduce from it the maximal ensemble on which is a conformal map. Show that is always injective. Under which condition on the set the application on is surjective ? Give some examples of such (maximal) set .
  • Give the image by of the following sub-sets: (a) the half-line passing through the origin and making an angle with the -axis, (b) the circle centered at the origin of radius (analyse in particular the case ). What is the image, by , of the outside of the unit circle .

Hint: it might be useful to use polar coordinates, writing . Get a better idea of this Joukowski's transformation using the following code in Mathematica:

- for the half-line passing through the origin:

 Jouk[z_] := z + 1/z
 Jouk[R Cos[u] + I  R Sin[u]];
 ParametricPlot[{{Re[%], Im[%]} /. {u -> 0.5}, {R Cos[u], R Sin[u]} /. {u -> 0.5}}, {R, .01, 10}]

- for the circle centered at the origin of radius :

 Jouk[R Cos[u] + I  R Sin[u]];
 ParametricPlot[{{Re[%], Im[%]} /. {R -> 0.79}, {R Cos[u], R Sin[u]} /. {R -> 0.79}}, {u, 0, 2 \[Pi]}, 
 PlotRange -> {{-3, 3}, {-1.5, 1.5}}]

  • Study the conformal map in the vicinity of : we consider a "smooth" curve passing through , with a well defined tangent. Show that the image of exhibits a cusp in . In this purpose, we parametrize this curve by with and . Write then the Taylor expansion of in up to first order and the expansion of close to up to second order.

Joukowski showed that the image of a circle passing through and containing the point is mapped onto a curve shaped like the cross section of an airplane wing. We call this curve the Joukowski airfoil.

  • Convince yourself that the parametric curve

identifies a circle of radius , passing through . being the angle between the real axis and the tangent at . You can now visualize the Joukowski airfoil using the following code:

Jouk[z_] := z + 1/z
Jouk[1 - R Sin[\[Alpha]] + R Cos[u] +   I (R Cos[\[Alpha]] + R Sin[u])];
ParametricPlot[{{Re[%], Im[%]} /. {R -> 1.15, \[Alpha] -> 1.3}, {{1 - R Sin[\[Alpha]] + R Cos[u]}, {R Cos[\[Alpha]] + R Sin[u]}} /. {R -> 1.15, \[Alpha] -> 1.3}}, {u, 0, 2 \[Pi]}]

Harmonic functions and hydrodynamics in the plane

We recall that a function or ( being an open set of ) is called a "harmonic function" if it satisfies the Laplace equation

in all point . Similarly to conformal maps, harmonic functions in two dimensions, are closely related to holomorphic functions.

  • Let us consider a holomorphic function. Show that are harmonic functions.
  • Geometric interpration of and : show that the streamlines of are the level curves of .
  • Show that, if is a harmonic function and a conformal map, then is also a harmonic function.

We now consider the irrotational flow of a non-viscous and incompressible fluid in some region of the plane. We denote by its velocity field.

  • Show that is the gradient of a scalar potential which satisfies
  • Show that you can construct such that is holomorphic and . is the complex potential associated to the 2-dimensional fluid flow.

Back to the Joukovski's transformation

  • Consider a constant and uniform flow, parallel to the real axis and with velocity $V_0$. Show that the complex potential writes .
  • Consider a fluid in presence of an obstacle. The obstacle is a circle with . Far from the circle the velocity is . Use the Joukovski's transformation to show that the complex potential writes
  • Compute the velocity along the real and the imaginary axis. Draw the streamlines () of the flow.
  • Explain (without calculation) how you can use the Joukovski's transformation to study the flow if the circle is replaced by the airfoil.